Big Belly Family!

In the past two and a half years, James and I have been through many trials and tribulations, but through our unrelenting love, positive outlook, supportive families, and two of the most beautiful babies on this earth, we have not seen our lasts days. Though it has been very trying for the both of us, we both know that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Random Shots of our Boy!

We have to safety pin his babing soup (as Lizzy calls it) to his diaper because it's so big on him.

This for some reason is his favorite pose!
Chillin with daddy watching baseball!
Faces only gama's could love
Sure is mommy's little monster. Cookie Monster that is. This boy eats non-stop.

Daddy's boys!
Again sleeping with the bottle in his mouth.

Sitting in the swing

I think Lizzy looks like Emmy's here!

Mommy and her precious baby boy!

Mommy turn off that light! It's blinding me!

Sleepy kid!

Lizzy and JJ went to the beach with Micheal and this is one of the pics they took while they were there. Silly kids! They're really sleeping.


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